Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thematic Project

For assignment 1,which is thematic project we need to generate the idea and solution for the title we decide to share in out class.The first tilte we select is not suitable for the discuss.So for the second title we choose for this project is "WHY DOES MEN FEEL BORE WHEN SHOPPING WITH A WOMEN".The reason we choose this tiltle is because this is the most comment problem we facing now a day. A lot of couple fight or argue because of this problem.And so the solution and the problem we define hope can help thouse who have to always accompany their girl friend to shopping.It maybe usefull.Lastly,this project will cover the technique we have learn in the class.Like lesson 6"What If".This technique can lead to spectacular new ideas and approaches to problems.Below is the rule for this project:
-Student will work a group of 5persons;
-Maximizing the structure process of creativity to produce new ideas or finding new uses for old ideas.
-All ideas must carry innovative value and not just about technological advancement but also about making changes and improvement to the way things are done.

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